Natural Relief of Multiple Sclerosis Related Vertigo in Kissimmee FL

2.3 million people worldwide are affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a disease that has a significant impact on the central nervous system (CNS).  Of these 2.3 million people, the ratio of women to men with MS is stated to be as high as three or four to one, suggesting that hormones may play a role in who develops MS.  Geographically speaking, MS is more prevalent in areas that are farther from the equator.1

People with Multiple Sclerosis can display a broad range of symptoms, from mild to severe, depending on the area of the nervous system affected.  Some may lose ability to walk early on in the disease process, while others may go into extended periods of remission where they experience no symptoms at all.  The most commonly reported symptoms include impaired mobility, extreme fatigue, visual disturbances and altered sensation.  The symptoms of MS are unpredictable and vary widely from person to person.1


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Multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis


Natural Relief of Multiple Sclerosis in Kissimmee, FL

Conventional treatment approaches for people with Multiple Sclerosis include “disease-modifying” medications that aim to reduce inflammation in the CNS in an attempt to slow the progression of the disease.  While these medications may be helpful in providing temporary relief, the underlying cause of MS remains unclear to the medical profession.  A study done in 2011 by Dr. Damadian, the inventor of MRI, in conjunction with Dr. Rosa, an upper cervical chiropractor, noted that misalignments of vertebrae in the upper portion of the neck were causing an obstruction of normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

CSF is responsible for transporting both nutrients and waste products into and away from the brain.  In this particular study, once the vertebrae were realigned, the patent had complete cessation of her MS symptoms.2  There have been other documented studies that support this claim, with many MS patients seeing significant improvements in their quality of life after undergoing upper cervical chiropractic care.3

In Kissimmee, Florida, Dr. Scott Pancake directs his care at making specific, gentle corrections to the upper cervical spine, the same area of the spine that has provided many others with such positive results.  Once proper alignment is restored, normal function returns, along with normal CSF flow, giving the body an opportunity to heal naturally.


  1. National Multiple Sclerosis Society. What causes MS?. (accessed 19 June 2015).
  1. Fonar. Diagnostic Breakthrough in Multiple Sclerosis with FONAR UPRIGHT MRI Leads to Noninvasive Treatment that Results in Symptoms of MS Patient Subsiding. (accessed 19 June 2015).
  1. Elster EL. Eighty-one patients with multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease undergoing upper cervical chiropractic care to correct vertebral subluxation: a retrospective analysis. J Vertebr Sublux Res. 2004;2:1-9.


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