
Vertigo And It’s Impact in Kissimmee, FL

Vertigo is the term used to describe the spinning sensation that accompanies this condition. It may be mild and go away quickly or be totally devastating, rendering the person unable to do anything but lie down until it passes. It is nearly impossible to understand unless one has experienced it themselves. It can feel as if everything is moving about when there is no motion at all.

Although the exact cause of vertigo can vary, it all relates to the way that the brain distinguishes where the body is located in its environment. This has to do with the information it gets from the eyes, the joints, and the inner ears. Therefore, if one of these systems is malfunctioning, the end result can be vertigo.


To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo, download our complimentary e-book by clicking one of the images below.


Proper Spinal Alignment Relieves Vertigo

The spine has the responsibility of protecting the delicate spinal cord. The area where the spinal cord and brainstem meet is in close proximity to the C1 and C2 vertebrae. If a misalignment occurs in either of these bones, pressure may be placed on the brainstem thereby affecting the function of the central nervous system.

As an upper cervical chiropractor, I specialize in finding misalignments of the C1 and C2, and then use a gentle, precise method to correct them called Atlas Orthogonal. I do not have to pop or force the bones into place (as in general chiropractic) because the technique used encourages the bones to move back into place naturally. This reduces the stress being placed on the spinal cord and allows communication between the brain and body to be optimized. Such an adjustment may be all that is needed to see the end of vertigo symptoms.

A study was conducted involving 60 chronic vertigo patients. These patients all received upper cervical chiropractic adjustments to realign their upper vertebrae. Out of the 60, 48 reported having total remission of vertigo symptoms. The remaining 12 saw a decrease in severity and frequency of their vertigo.


To schedule a complimentary consultation, call our Kissimmee office at 407-258-2860, or you can also click one of the buttons below.

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