Fibromyalgia: Options for This Difficult to Diagnose Condition

For fibromyalgia sufferers, finally getting a diagnosis and understanding why they are in chronic pain can be the first step toward getting help.  Fibromyalgia, while receiving more attention, is still a source of misunderstanding.  Despite advances in science and research to explain the widespread pain, fatigue, and other symptoms, many doctors are still misdiagnosing this condition.  Because of that, many fibromyalgia patients are not able to explore healthcare options and start down the road to getting well again.

Why Is Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia So Challenging?

One of the biggest reasons why arriving at a diagnosis of fibromyalgia is so difficult is that its symptoms are also part of many other common conditions.  These conditions must be ruled out before making the diagnosis of fibromyalgia because a simple test for fibromyalgia doesn’t exist.  There are certain markers that doctors can look for in blood tests, but as of yet, there is no consistently reliable way of making a straightforward diagnosis.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and fibromyalgia, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.


Fibromyalgia and Your Nervous System

One of the hallmarks of fibromyalgia is an increased response to painful stimuli and/or an increased sensitivity to stimuli that would not normally be perceived as painful.  The central nervous system (made up of the brain and spinal cord) is responsible for sending and receiving pain signals.  An interruption or distortion of these signals can be a contributing factor for the chronic, widespread pain experienced by fibromyalgia patients.

Upper cervical chiropractic works with the relationship of the spine, particularly in the area of the upper neck, and the central nervous system.  The vertebrae at the top of your neck, the atlas and axis, normally protect an area of the CNS called the brainstem.  However, when those vertebrae misalign, it can actually hinder the way the brain and body are able to communicate with each other.  With a detailed evaluation, we are able to determine if an upper cervical misalignment is causing interference within your nervous system.  If so, normal alignment can be restored with gentle and precise adjustments so that your nervous system can start working properly once again.


To schedule a complimentary consultation, call our Kissimmee office at 407-258-2860, or you can also click the button below.

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