Looking for Vertigo Relief in Kissimmee? Here’s a Useful Guide

Did you know that the first step to enjoying lasting vertigo relief in Kissimmee is by knowing what specific type you have? In this article, we will look into two main classifications of spinning sensations, peripheral and central. Essentially, peripheral vertigo stems from inner ear problems while the central type stems from a nervous system malfunction. Let’s help you get acquainted with these health concerns so you can potentially improve your symptoms and take advantage of more vertigo and dizziness-free days.


Do you often have a hard time because of your recurring vertigo episodes? This might be the perfect time to consider seeking Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic care. It’s a proven remedy that works wonders for people who frequently deal with spinning sensations. Talk to one of the trusted professionals in chiropractic care here at Pancake Wellness Center. You can reach us at 407-846-9355 or through our contact form.

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