Vertigo: What Is It? Can a Blood Test Detect It?

Vertigo can be very disorienting. You are fine one minute and the next you feel as if you are a tilt-a-whirl at the fair. Vertigo is a particular type of dizziness known for a spinning sensation. You may feel as if you or the things in the environment around you […]



Dizziness: One of the Leading Causes of Visits to the Doctor

Dizziness is the sensation of being lightheaded, woozy, or unbalanced. It affects the sensory organs, specifically the eyes and ears, so it may cause you to faint. Sometimes when people say that they feel dizzy, they are actually talking about vertigo. Vertigo is a feeling that you or the room […]

Pancake Wellness Center Takes on Meniere’s Disease

Coping with the symptoms of Meniere’s disease is not an easy task. This condition affects the inner ear and, in turn, a person’s balance system. It is accompanied by the following symptoms: Severe vertigo – a false sensation of movement Tinnitus – ringing in the ears A feeling of fullness […]

Meniere’s disease


How Kissimmee, FL Residents Are Coping with Vertigo Naturally

Vertigo is the sensation that the person or the things around him are spinning when there is no actual movement. It is often referred to as dizziness, but it is not the same thing. The cause remains under debate, making it extremely hard to diagnose and care for. Vertigo is […]

Understanding the Reason Behind Dizziness – A Key to Finding Help

Dizziness is a common symptom and can be caused by a number of different things. However, if it occurs after one has had a head or neck injury, it may actually be related to a problem with the bones of the neck. If this is the case, where should one […]



The Best Way to Put an End to Vertigo

Sudden bouts of a spinning sensation or feeling of dizziness can happen at just about any time for someone suffering from vertigo. Vertigo describes a condition where the functions that control the body in relation to space are disrupted. The bouts mentioned can last for hours or days and can […]

Vertigo And It’s Impact in Kissimmee, FL

Vertigo is the term used to describe the spinning sensation that accompanies this condition. It may be mild and go away quickly or be totally devastating, rendering the person unable to do anything but lie down until it passes. It is nearly impossible to understand unless one has experienced it […]


Meniere’s Disease

Relieving Vertigo Caused by Meniere’s Disease

Those suffering from vertigo brought about by Meniere’s disease can tell you just how devastating it can be. It may cause a person to be unable to perform his daily activities. In addition to vertigo, the person may experience: Ringing in the ears referred to as tinnitus Loss of hearing, […]

The Technology of the 21st Century Brings About Cyber Dizziness

A new kind of dizziness that is becoming more and more common is called cybersickness or digital motion sickness. Due to the technological advances in the 21st-century people are engaging on a regular basis with their iPads, tablets, and smartphones. This can overwhelm the senses of a person leading to […]


Meniere’s Disease

How Past Injuries Can Lead to Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s disease, along with other issues, can be related to an injury of the upper neck vertebrae that possibly occurred a long time ago. Often, people forget about their injuries after a few years and do not think these can affect current health. This is not always the case. It […]