
Migraines and Seizures – Are They Related?

If you have migraines, you are not suffering alone. In only a three-month period, as many as 23 percent of those in the USA have at least one migraine. Those who have epilepsy get migraines two times more often than the general population. When migraines and seizures occur together, it […]



Vertigo: What Is It? Can a Blood Test Detect It?

Vertigo can be very disorienting. You are fine one minute and the next you feel as if you are a tilt-a-whirl at the fair. Vertigo is a particular type of dizziness known for a spinning sensation. You may feel as if you or the things in the environment around you […]

Top 10 Causes of Fibromyalgia Flare-ups

Fibromyalgia is a chronic health disorder that can vary in intensity from person to person.  The most common features of fibromyalgia are: Widespread muscular pain Fatigue that makes accomplishing daily activities difficult or impossible Cognitive difficulties, sometimes referred to as “fibro fog”, that include memory problems and trouble concentrating Sleep […]



Migraines: Getting at the Root to Fix the Problem

Migraines are an extremely debilitating neurological disorder that has headaches as one of its major symptoms. In the USA, as many as 38 million people suffer from migraines. You never know when a migraine will hit, and this can lead you to decline invitations to social events or family activities […]

Dizziness: One of the Leading Causes of Visits to the Doctor

Dizziness is the sensation of being lightheaded, woozy, or unbalanced. It affects the sensory organs, specifically the eyes and ears, so it may cause you to faint. Sometimes when people say that they feel dizzy, they are actually talking about vertigo. Vertigo is a feeling that you or the room […]


Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Solving the Mystery

Chronic fatigue syndrome saps people of their energy and causes them to miss out on many important events in their life. More than likely, you know someone who is suffering from this debilitating disease as it seems to be gaining more and more victims. Most of those suffering just want […]

Tips to Reduce and Help Migraines in Kissimmee, FL

Migraines seem to be becoming an everyday occurrence for more and more people. Medical professionals and researchers are at a loss as to why they happen. One thing agreed upon is that they are related to an abnormal process taking place in the brain. This is likely due to a […]



The Physical and Financial Toll of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a real condition that is difficult to cope with. Those suffering describe feelings such as: Brain fog (cognitive issues) Widespread pain throughout the body Depression Low levels of energy FM can affect daily activities at home and at work. Not only are physical symptoms present, but one’s […]

Pancake Wellness Center Takes on Meniere’s Disease

Coping with the symptoms of Meniere’s disease is not an easy task. This condition affects the inner ear and, in turn, a person’s balance system. It is accompanied by the following symptoms: Severe vertigo – a false sensation of movement Tinnitus – ringing in the ears A feeling of fullness […]

Meniere’s disease


How Proper Spinal Alignment Alleviates Headaches

Headaches are no fun to deal with. The current trend is for patients to seek natural, long-term solutions.  Does such an option really exist? According to a large collection of case studies involving headache patients, upper cervical chiropractic care delivers real results. What makes this type of chiropractic different? For […]