Tension Headaches

Finding Help for Migraines in Kissimmee, FL

Migraines are actually a neurological disorder that causes a person extreme discomfort and can impede his ability to function normally during an attack. Chronic migraines have been known to last for up to 72 hours or longer. A headache is but one symptom of a migraine. What other symptoms may […]

Migraine, Migraines, Headache, Headaches, Head Pain, Migraine Headaches, Migraine Relief, Headache Relief, Tension Headache, Tension Headaches, Migraine Headaches, Migraine Headaches Relief


Neck Injuries and Your Migraines

Migraines are an extremely common neurological condition and the 3rd most prevalent illness in the world.  A migraine episode can be extremely disabling, and affects all areas of a person’s life.  Many migraine sufferers do their best to cope with the condition.  That typically involves medications that either tries to […]

Getting Migraine Relief During Pregnancy in Kissimmee, FL

Pregnancy brings along with it many new sensations, aches, and pains.  For some, that means the onset of new headaches or migraines that may not have been present before the pregnancy.  There are several factors that can cause migraines to occur during pregnancy including hormone levels, changes in nerve pathways, […]



Head Injuries and Headaches in Kissimmee, FL

When most people think of a head injury, they think of a professional football player taking a huge tackle and perhaps a loss of consciousness.  The truth is that head injuries can be very mild and still result in many troubling symptoms.  A traumatic head injury can be a result […]

5 Headache Types – Which One Do You Have?

Almost everyone has had a headache at one time or another.  The rare headache is usually nothing to be concerned about and can be easily addressed by ensuring proper hydration or a good night of sleep.  However, when headaches become more chronic, they can become increasingly difficult to manage.  Getting […]



A Common Thread Among Migraine Sufferers

Your head is throbbing, you can’t stand to open your eyes because it’s too bright, even the slightest sound is excruciating, and you’re overcome with waves of nausea.  If this sounds familiar to you, you’re probably one of the 37 million or so Americans who suffer from migraines.  Migraines can […]

Managing Tension Headaches Without Medications

Tension headaches, sometimes called stress headaches, feel like a tight band is squeezing around your head.  The pain is generally mild to moderate and dull or diffuse.  A person may also have a tender scalp, and tender neck or shoulder muscles.  Despite the fact that tension headaches are so common, […]
